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IK4-Ideko features prominently

IK4-Ideko features prominently

IK4-Ideko features prominently in the June edition of the prestigious magazine - International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture

Ideko-IK4, Technology Centre specialising in Manufacturing and Industrial Production Technologies, features in the June issue of the prestigious magazine - the International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, with the publication of three scientific articles, the result of excellent research work carried out in its areas of specialisation. The publication is very presigitious and has a high impact factor, the highest of the scientific publications referenced in the field of manufactuing technologies. Thus IK4-Ideko, in addition to demonstrating its excellence in its fields of specialisation, reinforces the work of technological dissemination, which is strongly internalised by our researchers.Specifically, the articles are about self excited vibration in milling, the generation of Inconel walls by material deposition using laser technology and cooling in grinding processes. In this research work, IK4-Ideko has collaborated with the University of the Basque Country (UPV) and the Budapest University of Technology (BME), technological partners with whom the Technology Centre is continuously collaborating in various areas of specialisation in accordance with its policy of establishing alliances.

The published articles are the following:
-Prediction of multiple dominant chatter frequencies in milling processes, Z. Dombovari, A. Iglesias, M. Zatarain, T. Insperger
-Evaluation of the mechanical properties of Inconel 718 components built by laser cladding, I. Tabernero, A. Lamikiz, S. Martínez, E. Ukar, J. Figueras
-Strategies for optimal use of fluids in grinding, R. Alberdi, J.A. Sanchez, I. Pombo, N. Ortega, B. Izquierdo, S. Plaza, D. Barrenetxea