Last news about IDEKO.

IK4-IDEKOcelebrated its 25th anniversary

IK4-IDEKOcelebrated its 25th anniversary

The Prime Minister of the Basque Government Patxi López presided over the ceremony attended by a significant representation of the current political, economic and business world of the Basque Country.

This morning, the technology centre IK4-IDEKO celebrated its 25th anniversary. To name a few that attended: Bernabé Unda (Regional Minister for Industry), Jon Goikolea (Vice-Minister for Industry), Arantxa Tapia (Congress Deputy), Jon Uriguen Ansola (Deputy for Innovation), Alfredo Etxeberria (Mayor of Elgoibar), José María Aldekoa (President of MCC), Jesús Mª Astigarraga (president of the Danobat Group), Rafael Barrenechea (President of Ideko-ik4), Ramón Uribe-Echeberria (Managing Director of Ideko-ik4)...