Last news about IDEKO.
08/03/2011Ideko-IK4, the unique national representative of European Project TRANSPARENCY

European Project TRANSPARENCY, with a budget of 4.1 million Euros, aims to develop Adaptive Business Collaboration by Progressive Knowledge Sharing and Engineering To obtain to customized and adapted machines tool to the specific needs of the users and in the smaller term of time, combining the interests of the manufacturers, providers of components and the own final clients. This it is the objective of Transparency, an European Project in which participates 12 of European organizations and that is partially financed by VII the Program Frame of the European Union.
Moreover, TRANSPARENCY pursues the following specific objectives:
- Improve the collaborative design process for specialised machine tools- Intensify the knowledge exchange between design and operation phase- Enhance lile cycle costing and performance predictions for specialised machine tools
Ideko-IK4 will make the conceptual definition of the co-design methodology to apply, as well as the conceptual definition of the machine model which is going to use as demonstrator. The roll of Ideko-Ik4 in the project totally fits in the activities developed by the tehcnological line Mechanical Design, one of the 8 lines of investigation in which the activity of the technological center is structured.
Mechanical Design research line owns a high capacity of planning and design in detail of machines of benefits outposts, discharge precision and principle productivity, until arriving at the manufacture of the prototype. In these phases of design and development simulation techniques are applied and the technologies are gotten up more outposts related to the structures, materials, systems of guidance and the integration of actuators and systems of pick up.
To achieve these objectives a critical mass of expertise is required. TRANSPARENCY consortium consists of a well balanced group of 12 industrial and scientific partners from 6 European countries, who bring in diverse but complementary competencies in the areas of machine tool design, operation as well as knowledge based manufacturing and software technologies. The project started on October 2010 and it will finish in September 2013.
Expected impacts:
The project's technical innovations will lead to the following impacts.
- Optimal component selection based en feedback of lite cycle performance and Ovaran Equipment Efficiency (OEE) data- Increased OEE of components and machina tools - Active components pmviding beneficia/ knowledge on shap floor- More efficient design process with increasod transparency- Rete of re-usad and recycled components going towards 100%