How can artificial intelligence improve competitiveness of industrial companies?

Predictive maintenance, quality and zero-defect manufacturing are some of the great industrial challenges of artificial intelligence

Avoiding breakdowns and downtimes, securing constant availability and optimum performance of equipment are some of the main concerns IDEKO has detected in many companies that use machine tools for manufacturing high added value, top tier quality precision parts and components.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence processes have much to contribute when it comes to controlling the monitoring of components, detecting anomalies before errors occur, in short, improving plant production. Besides, by using this digital technology it is possible to process a huge volume of data, further streamline decision-making and stay competitive in an increasingly complex market.

At IDEKO we have been working on the digitization of machines, manufacturing processes and productive plants for many years and thanks to this and IA technology, we now have data and data processing capacity. We currently manage data from more than 1,000 machines, collecting data from more than 350 sensors.

Predictive maintenance

Artificial Intelligence is fed with huge amounts of data from extensive networks of sensors installed on industrial machinery showing the operation of the equipment. This digital technology uses specifically “trained” algorithms for comparing the actual readings that the sensors collect from the machines with the ideal parameters. Hence, when a variable deviates from the normal values, the system predicts the effects of these deviations on other variables. The model then sends a warning that malfunctions are being recorded so that we can take preventive measures. At the highest intelligence levels, the algorithm itself can take the necessary corrective action, for example, automatically vary the process parameters to correct the deviations.

Advantages for companies

Although the advantages of artificial intelligence are evident, its scope is still difficult to imagine since the technology has only seen a modest deployment so far. However, the possibilities that it offers are enormous as it:

  • Absolutely simplifies operation of machines making them user-friendly, more accessible and easy-to-use tools
  • Optimises industrial processes
  • Transforms data into useful business information
  • Boosts automation
  • Allows for design of optimal control methods
  • Supports energy efficiency
  • Optimises the use of raw materials
  • Contributes to a reduction of waste generation
  • Increases productivity
  • Increases availability and lowers maintenance costs
  • Raises quality and workpiece rejects

Why is it worth investing in this type of AI processes?

Maintenance of components

Critical components such as shafts or spindles and ancillaries

Improvement of manufacturing process

Predictive quality in the manufacturing process at machine level

Optimisation of the production process

Production planning and purchase management at production plant or factory level

IDEKO is developing AI processes in pilot projects for component monitoring and anomaly detection.

The collection, management and interpretation of data enables IDEKO to design effective artificial intelligence solutions to drive the development of the industrial sector. Having performed numerous pilot tests with benchmark companies in our field endorses IDEKO's expertise in the early detection of anomalies and monitoring of components with a view to optimising the maintenance of industrial machinery, manufacturing and production processes in general.

Component monitoring

IDEKO is currently working on more than fifty monitoring pilots for critical machine tool components such as spindles and axes, which include monitoring and uploading data to the cloud from I industrial companies. This enables providing a part replacement service as soon as the system detects the need for replacement.

Anomaly detection

IDEKO has a dozen ongoing anomaly detection pilots to improve productivity throughout the production process. This system captures data based on the usual machine pattern and notifies when an irregularity in the process is detected. This helps to prevent serious problems in the production of parts.

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